Monday, September 3, 2012

Work Day One

So today was my first day on the job and needless to say it was like any other job.  Minus the endless conversations where I understood little to none of what was being said around me.  Not to say that my co-workers were being rude or anything, they just forgot that I didn't speak the language.  They all definitely have a great grasp of English.

Today was going pretty normally, just editing the website for English mistakes.  Normal study abroad stuff, I suppose.  I was reading all about the professors that taught at the school, and I definitely started to get excited.  There seems to be plenty of opportunities to do some research in the International Affairs, Human Rights, or Constitutional Law field!  This definitely was one thing I was banking on when I made the decision to come over, so I am hoping I can find a cool topic/professor and make a few extra bucks.

So the day is going by and we had a meeting right towards the end of work to discuss something.  The email was in Albanian so I was kinda unsure on what to expect.  Low and behold, I get dropped the bomb that Universum is going to be on like an Apprentice style show with my boss holding the role of Sir Trump.  And being that the (un)lucky contestants will need help understanding the business (Education) for them to compete to become a Marketing Manager.  That includes asking me.  So while I thought Oprah would be like my one claim to stardom, I found out on my first day of work that I should be becoming an international celeb.  Yeah, the show airs normally on RTK, which is one of the top 3 most watched cable networks in Kosovo.  (It helps that Kosovars only have 3 stations to choose from, but hey, PBS would love to be able to be in the Top 3 ((RTK is public like PBS)) )

So I sign off tonight leaving you with wise words from a potential international celebrity.   Goodnight!

--P.S.  I didn't get a picture, but instead of ham they use beef in their "Proshute". It's pretty darn good.  (Unlike the Italians who use ham, ham, and more ham to make Prosciutto)

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures. Didn't know you were moving to Hollywood! Don't forget us little people when you become a Kosovo star@
